Research Zoz Group
Research is the academic base of knowledge and technology and to support the development of capabilities and skills in the oil and gas industry, this section provides the clients with accurate aptitude in research projects. The Roxan Group research and development section, based on its industrial and academic departments, skills in definitive resources of pertinent information to offers facts and advancements in the industry of oil and gas. Research and development is the core to strategy and planning, furnishes the required evidence to make strategic decisions and apportion resources to tasks and activities.
Corporate profile Zoz Group
Zoz GmbH is the core and the materials-company of Zoz Group and a globally operating manufacturer in mechanical process engineering with more than 20 years experience in this field. Focusing on nanostructured materials, Zoz GmbH is the worldwide market leader and a small but global player which does not only apply to equipment but also to nanostructured materials such as powder materials, coatings and bulk parts manufacturing by Mechanical Alloying and other High Kinetic Processing routes.
As the entire group, Zoz GmbH with it’s headquarter based in Wenden, Germany is an enterprise where competences match, connected by expertise, recognized requirements, intelligent synergies and straight philosophy from Materials Science via Process Engineering Technology up to finished Products serving niches and providing solutions professionally and globally.
So in example and in detail in one of the highest fields of expertise, Zoz GmbH is looking back on more than 15 years history in:
- development of advanced materials
- development of processing techniques to manufacture these materials
- development and manufacturing of the equipment to operate these processes
- use and/or offer materials and processing developments
- use and/or offer above named processing equipment
- manufacture and offer advanced materials
- consolidate advanced materials and offer bulk-parts
- design advanced materials in binder systems and offer paints and composites
- as well as recently development and manufacturing of Li-Ion Batteries and solid state H2-storage tanks
…where the interaction of equipment-manufacturing, materials-design and materials-production by using own equipment does lead to definite profitable process-engineered solutions and economically thought-out products and parts.